Category Archives: driving

How Texting While Driving Ruins Lives

It seems that virtually all age groups are texting, so all age groups are texting and driving too. The following video graphically shows why texting while driving is illegal in 19 states in the US and will eventually be illegal in all states

The video was made for and with the assistance of the Gwent Police Department, located in Tredegar, Gwent County, South Wales, which is approximately 150 miles west of London in the United Kingdom.

The video is a trailer for a 30 minute film on texting and driving called “COW” that was commissioned by the Gwent Police Department and was produced and directed by Peter Watkins-Hughes, who is an award winning former BBC producer. Hughes also lectures at the Documentary Film & Television department at the Newport School of Art, Media and Design in Wales.

The video was released in July, 2009, and immediately went viral world-wide. Unfortunately, many teens have commented on YouTube, where the video is hosted, that teens click the vid off after aboout 30 seconds. Hopefully, more of them will watch the entire video, and, just as importantly, perhaps their parents will watch it too.

YouTube states that the age groups most watching the video are females between 45-54 and males between 35-54, so at least the parents seem to be watching.

Please be forewarned that the video is graphic in nature.

Please watch:

More information on Peter Watkins-Hughes can be found here.

The YouTube site states that “State of the art digital special effects were utilised to show the impact of what would happen inside the car during impact.” The vid’s special effects were created by Zipline Creative which is also located in the United Kingdom.

The YouTube site for this vid is here, and it  has been viewed over 3.2 million times thus far.

Please do not text while driving. It is just as dangerous as drunk driving.

Maria Shriver Caught Talking on Cell while Driving

Maria Shriver, the celebrity wife of California celebrity Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, was captured on film by paparazzi while she was allegedly violating the law by allegedly talking on her cell phone while driving.

In fact, it happened not once, but twice.

In the photo above published by we see Maria happily chatting away while tooling down some LA roadway last Sunday, October 11, 2009.

If that were not bad enough, they caught her again in July, which is plain enough in the second photo. It would seem that Maria has chosen to carelessly violate the no cell phone use while driving law habitually, even though her husband Arnold supported the law and signed it into law just last year.

Arnold appears to be none too pleased about the matter because he tweeted the following message to TMZ’s Harvey Levin, “Thanks for bringing her violations to my attention, @harveylevintmz. There’s going to be swift action.”

What do you want to bet Maria gets grounded?


Warrant Issued for Lindsay Lohan’s Arrest

Lindsay Lohan, the 22-year-old movie actor in films like Freaky Friday (2003) and Mean Girls (2004), had a warrant for her arrest issued on Friday.

Beverly Hills Police Department spokesman Lieutenant Mark Rosen said, “The $50,000 warrant issued by the Beverly Hills Superior Court stems from a May 2007 arrest of Miss Lohan for DUI and hit-and-run. The circumstances leading to the issuance of the warrant by the court are not readily available at this time. It is our hope that Miss Lohan will surrender herself so that this matter will be resolved in a timely manner.”

Shawn Chapman Holley, Lindsay’s attorney, said the warrant was a “misunderstanding.”

“Since her case was resolved, Ms. Lohan has been in compliance with all the terms and conditions of her probation and all orders of the court. The warrant issued on Friday was, in our view, born out of a misunderstanding which I am confident I can clear up next week,” said Holley.

“I spoke to her attorney this morning. The attorney believes it was just a miscommunication with the court,” said Lieutenant Rosen. “She hopes to resolve it in court this coming week. And I’m sure that if it’s not resolved in court that we’ll work out something with Ms. Lohan to voluntarily surrender.”

In May of 2007 Lohan was arrested for driving under the influence after losing control of her vehicle, which ended up on the curb. Police discovered cocaine in her car and subsequent lab tests confirmed that cocaine was also in her system.

Lindsay spent some time in rehab after that, but was arrested again for drunk driving on July 24, 2007. She pled guilty in August 2007, and was sentenced to one day in jail and placed on probation for three years. The one day in jail made headlines at the time since the “one day” ended up to be a total of only 84 minutes in jail because she was released early due to jail overcrowding.

The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office has a hearing scheduled for 8:30 a.m. Monday morning, March 16, 2009, at a Beverly Hills courthouse.

Lindsay Lohan Serves Hard Time – 84 Minutes Worth
Lindsay Lohan’s Mercedes for Sale on Ebay
Is Lindsay Lohan Broke?

Seat Belt Humor

A highway patrolman pulled a driver over to the side of the road to inform him that the driver had just won $1,000 in a government sponsored safety contest because the driver was buckled up and wearing his seat belt.

“What are you going to do with the prize money?” asked the officer.

The driver replied, “I guess I’ll go to driving school to get my license.”

At just that moment, his wife seated next to him in the passenger seat, piped up, “Officer, don’t listen to a word he says. He’s a smart aleck when he’s drunk.”

The commotion woke up a man sleeping in the back seat, who, upon seeing the cop, blurted out, “I knew we wouldn’t get far in a stolen car.”

Suddenly, there was a loud knock from the trunk of the vehicle and a voice asked, “Are we across the border yet?”

More Driving Humor…

Driving Humor

Here are some pointers about driving from George Carlin’s “Napalm and Silly Putty:”

Have you ever noticed, when you’re driving, that anyone driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone driving faster than you is a maniac?

Here are a few basic points about driving. One of the first things they teach you in Driver’s Ed is where to put your hands on the steering wheel. They tell you put them at ten o’clock and two o’clock.

Never mind that. I put mine at 9:45 and 2:17. That gives me an extra half hour to get where I’m going.

More Driving Humor…

More George Carlin Humor…

Road Trip Humor

While driving to California, I realize that nature is calling and spot one of those rest areas on the side of the road. Once in the men’s room, I find the first stall taken, so I head for the second stall. Just as I sit down, I hear a voice coming from the adjoining, first stall:

“Hi, how’s it going?”

Since I am not accustomed to striking up conversations with strangers in washrooms, I don’t know how to respond. Finally I reply:

“Not bad.”

Then I hear the voice ask:

“So, what are you doing?”

I find that an unusual question, but I reply:

“Well, I’m driving to California and…”

Then I hear the flustered voice interrupt, saying:

“Hey, I’ll have to call you back. Every time I ask you a question, some moron in the next stall keeps answering me.”