Category Archives: marine

Are US Marines Caught Urinating on Dead Taliban? – or Not? – Video

A video that just recently hit YouTube and the Internet purportedly shows four US Marines urinating on three dead Taliban in Afghanistan. The question is whether or not the video is real or a hoax. Watch the vid and see for yourself:

As of the writing of this post, there are about half a dozen postings of this video on YouTube including one supposedly from Once these vids turn viral, which is very likely, YouTube will probably remove them from its site because of the inflammatory nature of the video. That is usually how YouTube operates, although Russia Today and do have more clout than the ordinary YouTube video poster and that may prevent the vids from being removed by YouTube management.

In any event, the real question is whether or not the vid is a hoax or real? My guess is it’s a hoax. After watching the video on a 42 inch TV screen, I was not able to see a urine stream coming from any of the four Marines. That suggests a hoax.

In addition, the Marine on the right appears to be toting around at least a 12 inch penis. And we all know there are not too many of those around. That too suggests hoax. It is possible that the Marine’s manhood is genuine, which may indicate his motivation is to broadcast the size of his johnson rather than to defile any Taliban.

The US Marine Corp. has announced that it will investigate the incident because this is not the image the Corp. wants for itself.

What do you think?

Sarah Palin Condemns the Associated Press

Sarah Palin posted the following note on her Facebook page (1) on Sunday, 9/6/2009 at 11:25 PM

Shame on the Associated Press for Ignoring the Wishes of a Grieving Family

Many of us join Secretary Gates in condemning the Associated Press for its heartless and selfish decision to turn its back on the wishes of a grieving family in order to exploit the tragic death of a true American hero.

Lance Corporal Joshua ‘Bernie’ Bernard was a selfless young American who sacrificed everything for our freedom.

Shame on the AP for purposely adding to the grieving family’s pain. Ignoring the family’s wishes by publishing a sacred image of their loved one proved a despicable and heartless act by the AP. The family said they didn’t want the photo published. AP, you did it anyway, and you know it was an evil thing to do.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Bernard family. Words can not adequately express our sorrow and appreciation for your sacrifice. We will never forget your Marine or his fallen comrades.

May God bless the Bernard family.

-Sarah Palin


Less than 24 hours after posting this Sarah had received nearly 2,800 comments and had also received over 13,000 Facebook members who indicated they agreed with her.

The photo in question is part of a photo gallery on the AP site about the fire fight that resulted in Corporal Bernard’s death and can be found here (2). The AP also released an article (3) explaining why they distributed the photo and how anguished they were in deciding whether to use it.

There has been considerable discussion, both pro and con,(4) of AP’s decision to use the photo. In all fairness to the AP, in most other wars such photos were commonly used by the media.

In fairness to Sarah Palin and her viewpoint, both Defense Secretary Robert Gates and the parents of the Marine requested that the AP not use the photo.

Palin calls the AP’s action “despicable and heartless” and “evil.” If one reads the AP’s explanation of why they distributed the photo, it is difficult to reach Sarah’s conclusion, especially since use of such photos is common throughout much of the world.

But it is also quite likely that Palin is trying to make political hay from her condemnation of the Associated Press. Sounds like she is running for something.

Sarah Palin Announces New Twitter Site, Less PC Tweets
Sarah Palin on Larry King – Video
Sarah Palin Talks Failed Election, Media and John McCain – Video
Obama Win Triggers Gun Purchases
Michael Jackson Remembrance in Magical Photo-Video Collage



(1) Shame on the Associated Press for Ignoring the Wishes of a Grieving Family,, Facebook – Sarah Palin, Retrieved 9/7/2009

(2) Death of a Marine: A Photographer’s Journal,, Associated Press, Retrieved 9/7/2009

(3) AP and the Death of a Marine,, Associated Press, Retrieved 9/7/2009

(4) AP picture of wounded Marine sparks debate,, Associated Press, Retrieved 9/7/2009

US Marine Throws Puppy Off Cliff – Video

David Mortari, a US Marine from Monroe, Washington, was a nobody until Tuesday, March 4th, 2008, but he is finally getting his 15 minutes of fame, which is really infamy in this case.

The marine in question is shown, in a video that was posted on, allegedly tossing a cute little puppy off of a cliff to its death. That’s right, this US soldier tosses a dog, only weeks old, off of a cliff to its death onto the rocks below.

The puppy could be heard yelping as it flew through the air until it crashed onto the rocks below and bounced, then hitting even more rocks.

Youtube quickly removed the video from its site as soon as the disturbing nature of the video was learned. However, thousands of Youtube surfers viewed the video before it was removed.

Since then, other Youtube members have reposted the video, and Youtube has apparently decided that a video of a US soldier tossing a dog off of a cliff to its death is okay remaining on its site.

Editor’s note 6/19/2015: Since the original posting I have had to repost the uncut vid on many different video hosting sites, but none of them will keep the uncut version online. Because of that I have decided to post the censored version because a censored version is better than no version at all.

The original real question was whether the video was real or whether it was a hoax. The puppy is shown being held by the marine by the scruff of its neck and does not appear to move, which could mean that the puppy may have already been dead before it was thrown off the cliff.

But the puppy may also have been alive before being cruelly tossed to its death. Since the incident occurred, the United State Marine Corps. has determined that the video is, in fact, legitimate.

A US Marine Corps spokesman stated that an investigation has been initiated into the incident and hinted that the marine in question will be punished.

The incident was believed to have been filmed while the marine was stationed in Iraq, but he is now stationed in Hawaii. Although his name is not being released by the Marine Corps., many bloggers have identified him as Mortari.

The first video is the disturbing video in question. Do not watch it if you are at all squeamish.

The second video was CNN’s report of the incident and showed only portions of the video with the more disturbing sections deleted. However, CNN also chickened out in showing even a limited version of the video, so there is now no 2nd video.

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