Category Archives: dog

Story of Fictitious Dog “Leao” still Draws Admirers

A story in 2011 about a Brazilian dog stirred the emotions of millions worldwide with sentiment so raw the anecdote went viral immediately. The tale spun a fictitious yarn about a pup named “Leao” who was so loyal to her former owner that the dog sat vigil for days at graveside after the owner’s funeral.

At the time everyone thought the story was real, with Leao’s chronicle revealed to be a hoax only a few weeks later. Despite that, Leao’s folktale still tugs at the heartstrings of net surfers today, 4 1/2 years later.

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People stumble across the narrative to this day and are touched by the loyalty of such an admirable dog. In fact, folks still often ask about her, remarking “Whatever became of that incredible Brazilian dog Leao?”

Leao’s reported owner was Cristina Maria Cesario Santana, who supposedly died in Brazil’s 2011 catastrophic landslides caused by severe flooding. It is not even known if Santana was a real person or simply the figment of someone’s deceptive imagination.

Leao’s narration was carried by numerous media outlets including McCafferty Himself, and even CNN. The hoax revelation was first carried by the Malaysia Sun, but far fewer news organizations bothered to report the hoax.They were far more interested in the emotionalism of the original article. That is probably why so many folks still believe the story today.

Most of us want to believe that such a tale is true because it reaffirms the landmark loyalty that dogs have for their owners. Unconditional love even after death–now that really is a tale worth telling.


The dog in the photo actually belonged to Rodolfo Júnior, a grave digger who worked at a cemetery in Teresopolis, Brazil. Júnior stated that his dog often accompanied him to work, and he did not know who took the photo of his dog at the newly dug, unmarked grave.

There were so many dead from the mudslides in Brazil that year that they resorted to burying people in an assembly line fashion, which is why they are so many fresh graves in the photos. It was reported that 655 died in Teresopolis alone.

Perceiving human like emotions in animals is not new. There are many videos on the Net of such things. Look at a video we have of a cat that appears to be trying to revive its mate by massaging its chest.

These type of tales seem to give us that warm fuzzy feeling inside, even if it’s 4 1/2 years after the fact.


Sociopathic Crow, Naive Kitty – Videos

Have you ever noticed how clever some crows seem to be? I have seen some of them in my neighborhood make some remarkably clever moves, including two or three of them ganging up together to chase a squirrel. I do not think they even cared if they caught the squirrel or not, but it appeared like they only wanted to antagonize the poor thing.

The crow in our first video is just that sort of sociopathic creature that wants to create misery for others:

Yep! That is the kind of crow I’m talking about. The dog, whose name is Nero BTW, thought that the crow would go away if Nero ignored him. No such luck, Nero. This crow is a troublemaker, and once Nero goes home, the crow will find some other prey to pick on. He is just that sort of creature.

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The second video also presents us with another predator type who wants to create mischief for other animals, but this naive kitty does not realize how quickly his role as predator might be reversed and suddenly he has become the prey.

That is one unworldly putty-tat. One swipe of the that gator’s huge tail or a twist of those vicious jaws and it’s sayonara Miss Kitty Cat.

Perhaps the photographer in this vid does not care too much about his cat. Why else would he let the creature put itself in harm’s way, unless he was secretly hoping he might get a video for YouTube in which a gator swallows a cat in one gulp?

A video like that just might go viral in a hurry creating a windfall of cash for a videographer participating in YouTube’s ad program. Yep! Methinks there is both motive and method to that madness.

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Funny Dogs and More Funny Dogs!

We ran into this older video on the web, but we just had to include it here because in our minds it is really funny–especially if you like animal videos. And we certainly do. Like we said, it is older, it is anything but hi-def, but it has some very funny scenes.

Give a Look:

Brazilian Dog Leao is Hoax

Leao, the Brazilian dog that reportedly remained at the grave of its owner for days after the funeral, is a hoax reports the Mayasia Sun.

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The story of Leao along with the moving photos above showing the dog seemingly standing guard at graveside went viral over the Internet. It was reported widely by many media outlets and blogs including McCafferty Himself and even CNN.

It seems that Leao is a fictional name for a dog that never really existed. The dog in the photo belongs to Rodolfo Júnior, a grave digger who works at a cemetary in Teresopolis, Brazil.

In interviews with local Brazilian media, Júnior states that his dog often accompanies him to work, and he does not know who took the photo of his dog at the newly dug, unmarked grave.

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However, the photo was submitted to the media through the Getty/AFP network by a company photographer. Either the photographer misunderstood who the dog belonged to or deliberately misrepresented the story.

Hundreds of animals were displaced by the recent floods in the state of Rio de Janeiro according to the Brazilian branch of the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA). However, the WSPA knows of no dog named Leao among the displaced animals.

The WSPA did say that a dog named Caramelo did lose its family in the floods, but that dog has already been placed with a new owner.

Editor’s note: Post updated 7/3/2015.


Loyalty Even After Death

Leao continues to sit at the grave of her owner, Cristina Maria Cesario Santana, who died in last week’s catastrophic landslides in Brazil. She has remained at the graveside for two days straight with no sign that she will give up her vigil.

Leao proves that dogs are loyal to a fault.

There are so many dead from the mudslides in Brazil that they have resorted to burying people in an assembly line fashion. I believe there were 655 dead just in Leao’s town alone.

Editors Note: Story of Brazilian dog “Leao” turned out to be a hoax. See followup story. Updated 7/3/2015.

Puppy Throwing Girl Identified?

The girl in the red hoodie who shocked and angered the entire planet by throwing six puppies only days old into a river to drown has been tentatively identified as Katja Puschnik from the town of Bugojno, Bosnia. However, her identity has not been absolutely confirmed.

Members of the web site managed to track her by tracking down the owner of the YouTube account that originally uploaded the now infamous video to YouTube. If you have not seen the video watch it here.

A second video was uploaded to YouTube, purportedly by Ms. Puschnik, apologizing for the incident. However YouTube quickly removed the video. Below is a photo from the video taken before its removal from YouTube:

It is unknown if the apology is real or merely a hoax.

Both PETA and Rescue Ink have separately each offered $2,000 rewards for information to the perpetrator’s capture. Film director Michael Bay, who directed Transformers, has reportedly offered a $50,000 reward.

Some web sites are reporting that the camera man was the girl’s brother, who also reportedly uploaded the video to YouTube.


Puppy Throwing Monster of a Girl Drowns Puppies – Caught on Video

This is the original video of the incident.

Puppy Throwing Monster of a Girl Drowns Puppies – Caught on Video

A puppy throwing monster of a girl is caught on video in the act of drowning a bucketful of puppies that appear to be only days old. One by one this young unknown girl tosses the puppies into a rushing river with a current that is clearly too fast for the puppies to survive.

That appears to be the point of the exercise for the girl obviously intends to drown the puppies.

A few of the puppies yelp as she picks them out of the bucket because she is not too gentle while picking them up. The tiny little pups are not much bigger than the girl’s hand.

The girl even callously says “whee” as she tosses one pup to its death. She appears not to care one ounce for the lives of the young doggies she is killing because her body language is quite normal while she tosses the cute little devils.

You can be sure you will hear more about this incident, and it is unlikely that the identity of the girl and her accomplice camera handler will remain unknown for long.


Puppy Throwing Girl Identified?

The girl in the red hoodie who shocked and angered the entire planet by throwing six puppies only days old into a river to drown has been tentatively identified as Katja Puschnik from the town of Bugojno, Bosnia.

Pittsburgh Steelers Fan Beats and Kicks Pitbull Puppy to Death Before Game

A Pittsburgh Steelers fan was so upset at his pit bull puppy not behaving that he beat and kicked the poor animal to death right at the start of a Steelers game.

22-year-old William Woodson is being held in the Allegheny County Jail in lieu of $25,000 bail, pending a preliminary hearing on animal cruelty next Monday. Mr. Woodson and his live-in girl friend, Christine Gielarowski, who appears to have purchased the dog without consulting Woodson, have argued more than once recently about the dog.

It seems that Woodson did not particularly like the 13-week-old pitbull name Flip. When the dog caused problems for him before the Steelers-Kansas City Chiefs game last Sunday, Woodson allegedly picked the puppy up and threw it down quite hard on the pavement in the street.

A witness told Bridgeville, Pennsylvania, police they saw Woodson kicking Flip down the street shortly after 1 p.m., which is when the Steelers game began. Police said Woodson was supposed to be walking the dog, but apparently he was angry that he was missing the start of the Steelers game on TV.

The witness said that Woodson kicked the dog so hard that he launched Flip into the air and the dog skipped on the pavement. The witness tried to help Flip, but it died in his arms.

“It needs to be told that stuff like this will not be tolerated, whether it’s in Bridgeville or whatever community,” said Bridgeville police Officer James Lancia. “It’s not going to be put up with. You can’t just run around abusing animals.”

The maximum penalty for cruelty to animals is five years in jail and a $10,000 fine.

The following is an Associated Press report of the incident:

Perhaps the pit bull puppy was not enough of a Steelers fan for Woodson. If this is how angry Woodson gets before the game, imagine how he must get after a Steelers’ loss.

Drunk Kicks Blind Woman’s Seeing Eye Dog – Video

It’s caught on video! A woman’s seeing eye dog is assaulted by a drunk female pedestrian at the entrance to the downtown Target store in Minneapolis.

It is very difficult to see happen in the video, but the woman in the blue shirt gradually angled her walking path over toward 53-year-old Lynnette Lijewski and her service dog, Brook. When she passed Lynnette and Brook, she kicked Brook in the face.

It had to be deliberate because she had such a short amount of time to angle her way over to the pair of them.

Watch this woman and her nasty deed in action:

Is that crazy or what? What could possibly motivate someone to do something like that? It is just so weird! The perpetrator is a 46-year-old local woman, but the police would not release her name initially.

I, for one, would love to embarrass her by publishing her name. She has been cited for animal cruelty, which means she merely receives a ticket, I believe.

Wheelchair Bound and Mugged by Teens
“They Told Me to Kill, to Rape Children” – Video
Family Claims Cop Cruiser Needlessly Ran Down Son
Gang of Kids Caught Roasting Puppies Alive
Woman Caught Poisoning Supermarket Baby Food

Baby Chick Fights Off Monitor Lizard – Videos

This is either one tough baby chick or else one wimpy monitor lizard. The not too bright lizard tries to make breakfast out of this baby chick with ridiculous results.

The chick gives a whole new meaning to over easy, because this is one lil’ chick who isn’t a pushover for anyone. And that includes this lizard that only gives a half-hearted attempt at dining on chicken today.

I think that lizard will starve if that is the best it can do at securing himself a meal.


This black labrador is totally confused in the next video and practically has a fit when he sees a vid of his roommate, the cat. Which one is your pal Felix the Cat, huh puppy? I don’t know if you don’t know Fido. Maybe there are two of them now.

Because of techie limitations, the black lab vid cannot be shown on a blog. Go to McCafferty’s Pub to see the video.

It is pretty obvious that this pup is not tech saavy. Take some technology classes pooch because you will never make it far in this modern high tech society if you cannot even deal with a cat video. Poor puppy.

Does This Dog Belong to Jesus?

If Jesus had a dog, this would be it

Obviously this dog can walk on water, so if Jesus had a dog, this dog would be His. But this dog is a bit shy about getting his feet wet, so the water must be on the cold side. Hey pup! If you are going to hang out with the Big Guy, you have to learn to suck it up.

Photo provided by

Why You Should Let Sleeping Dogs Lie – Video

Have you ever heard of the expression, “Let sleeping dogs lie?” There is a great deal of common sense behind this expression, but this video adds yet another reason to heed the wisdom of the quote–a reason no one ever thought of before. Please don’t try this at home because Fido may turn on you if you do.

Ouch! Suddenly I have a headache.


I am not sure why I like animal videos so much, but I do. Our second video may be another animal video that features a dog genius or it may just be David Blaine in disguise. You will have to judge for yourself because I am not sure.

Yes! That is David Blaine alright. I don’t even know why I doubted it.


Reporter Meets Horse's Butt
Reporter Meets Horse’s Butt

Sneezing Panda
Sneezing Panda

Otter Heaven
Otter Heaven – This one is really cute.

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A Phew Phunny Photos You’ll Like

It’s Phunny Photo time, and with themes ranging from horse sense to conspiracy theories, I believe that today we have a phew gems you will like.


Hey boss! Maybe it’s the alternator?

This next sign is a re-creation of a sign that was posted in a construction zone in Lubbock, Texas. It seems that some techie managed to hack into the computer for the sign and added his own version of what should be posted there.


Do you know any of those conspiracy theorists who constantly thinks that everyone is plotting to take over the world? Well…maybe they are.





It is amazing how some businesses survive considering their level of customer service.

That’s a lot of Budweiser! I knew my beer drinking would someday pay off.

Have you ever spent time wandering through a cemetery? You might be surprised at the eye opening sights you will see.













While getting a proper education may not be necessary to make it in this world, it may save you from an embarrassing moment or two. BTW, remind me to call the missus to ask her to pick up “are” kids from school.

Do you think Elmer Fudd or Barbara Walters live in this neighborhood?












If their customers are just plain mean, they should charge them a lot more than $10.

Redneck Fire-Breathing Dragon

Redneck Fire-Breathing Dragon

Worst Job Ever
Worst Job Ever

Redneck High School Reunion
Redneck High School Reunion

Redneck Penguins
Redneck Penguins

Robber Gets What’s Coming to Him – Video

An armed robber tries to hold up a gun store and runs into the unexpected. If more store owners took measures like this, there would be far fewer robberies.

Did you notice that robber looked directly into the camera before he pulled his gun? While don’t you smile for the camera, putz?

US Marine Throws Puppy Off Cliff
16 year-old teen Beaten by cheerleaders for Youtube Video
Alleged drug dealer forces baby to smoke pot
Teen with Broken Back Tased 19 Times